Surigao Islands Minded Heart

Isla SIARGAO (Called SIDARGAO in 1683)

Isla SIARGAO (Called SIDARGAO in 1683)



Isla SIARGAO (Called SIDARGAO in 1683)

Pueblo Cabuntog (General Luna)
Pueblo Cacub (Numancia or Del Carmen or currently San Fernando)
Pueblo Dapa
Pueblo Sapao (Santa Monica)

Telegrafo (?)

Visita Pilar

Puerto Pilar

Punta Dolores (Union,Dapa)
Punta Arena

Isla Janoyoy
Isla Daco (Daku Isl.)
Isla Guyang (Guyam Isl.)

Banco seco (Pansukian Island or Naked Island)

Arbol Redondo (Round Tree or Big tree?)

Source: Carta del Estrecho de Surigao : con parte de las Islas de Cebú, Leyte y Mindanao, levantada en 1863 por la Comision Hidrografica de Filipinas al mando del Capitan de Fragata D. Claudio Montero

(Google translate) Letter of the Strait of Surigao: with part of the Islands of Cebu, Leyte and Mindanao, Printed in 1863 by the Hydrographic Commission of the Philippines under the command of Frigate Captain D. Claudio Montero


source: Cantilan Historical Preservation Movement

Last modified onSunday, 23 June 2019 08:19
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